How MyPadlock works

MyPadlock Password Manager is secure and simple. MyPadlock Password Manager allows you to keep all your passwords under "lock and key" on your PC and is only accessible if you know a master password that you create. This master password will be the last password you'll ever have to remember.

MyPadlock was created because we know how important your passwords are and how important it is to keep them safe. So many important parts of our lives are stored online and often the only thing that stands in between the criminals and your personal information is a username and password. The first and most important defense is a good understanding of how to properly store your usernames and passwords. Here are some more details about how MyPadlock Password Manager works and how safe you are without it.

What people typically do without MyPadlock Password Manager:

How MyPadlock Password Manager works:

MyPadlock Password Manager does everything we could think of to help keep your passwords safe. If you have any further questions about how MyPadlock works, feel free to send an email and get answers to your questions.